Picking up your bag at the AirportWhat is it about airline passengers collecting bags?? I just don't get it! Yesterday I checked into Matteram Airport in Lombok for my flight back to Bali. Its a mainly domestic airport, although I did hear that a couple of International flights do go out of here. They have the normal x-ray machines, and you put your bag through and then they get out those little plastic trays to put your phone etc... Well as my main bag disappeared into the machine, there was a blackout in the entire airport. My bag was stuck in the middle of the x-ray machines. I had immediate thoughts of the control tower losing power while giving crucial instructions to a plane landing or taking off. After 30 seconds or so power was restored, out came my bag and no apparent damage had been done.
Arrived back in Bali and then proceeded to the one of two baggage carousels. Now here is my problem. I have yet to take a flight where this doesn't happen. As it turned out I was the first to walk in to the baggage area since I was on the transit bus last.

I walked to the second carousel not knowing where the bags would come out. Everyone followed and proceeded to crowd around the carousel like vultures surrounding a wounded goat. I then backed right away and moved more over to the first carousel, yet stood at least 5 metres back. Within about five minutes carousel no 1 started to move. So everyone rushed over with trolleys and those without ran; yes ran, to get a prime position for their bag. Now, their bag has not come out yet, but they are standing there guarding their turf like the police taping off a crime scene. It absolutely astounds me. If ev

erybody stood back 5 meteres or so, and when their bag came, move forward and pick it off. No, they have to hold their ground and take up space for the people whose bags are really coming out. This is where I always seem to get into trouble. I see my bag, and say excuse me and pull my bag off, hitting up to 3 people (on a good day) with it because they refuse to move. When the odd person objects I just mumble "well you didn't move when I said excuse me" and they don't chase you because , yes you guessed it. They will loose their hard earned sacred spot.
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