Good Morning Vietnam
Well this Chrissy Holidays brings me back to Vietnam. This is my third time in Saigon and although I don't get phased much, but the increase in traffic is unbelievable. There are motorbikes ontop of motorbikes here as this very patient and calm traffic system works its way out and the calmness of the riders and drivers leaves alot to be desired to us from Oz.
Crossing the road brings ona skill that involves guts, local knowledge and trust. The main roads have a constant flow of traffic and it can be up to eight bikes / cars deep. Ok here is the trick. You take a look at the other side o the place you want to go. You simply stary walking at a slow but constant pace and this is where the trust comes in. The bikes and to some extent the cars, simply go around you. It jsut seems to work. Now for the novice, or what I call "The hesitator" things may turn out a bit different. The bikes then have no idea what you are doing and then Kapow. You end up wearing a front handle bar.
Its New Years Eve about 4pm and I'm heading off to ge some photos and then out somewhere, not sure where, but will be back in 2008.
Ok Back and New Years was at a place called WAX on the beach. There were the usual suspects, like loads of westerners and a sprinkling of locals that all got into the spirit of things. Heaps of Booze and a beach bonfire which went down well in the 30 degree evening. There were a couple of western fire juglers and one girl in particular from Scandavia that could juggle a couple of hot balls with precision.
Then a few heroes decided to jump the fire towards the end of the night with at least one ending up in hospital.